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Categories: Birth Defects, Eating Disorders

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Birth Defects Chronic Illness Diabetes Diet and Weight Loss Infant's Health Nutrition Obesity Pregnancy and Childbirth

Males born to obese mothers more likely to suffer health issues as adults      (via     Original source 

Males born to obese women are more likely to be overweight at birth and develop metabolic complications in later life, including liver disease and diabetes.

Birth Defects Children's Health Chronic Illness Healthy Aging Psychology Research

Polycystic ovary syndrome tied to memory, thinking problems      (via     Original source 

People with polycystic ovary syndrome may be more likely to have memory and thinking problems in middle age, according to new research. The study does not prove that polycystic ovary syndrome causes cognitive decline. It only shows an association.

Birth Defects Psychology Research

Brain protein's virus-like structure may help explain cancer-induced memory loss      (via     Original source 

In a rare but serious complication of cancer, the body's own immune system can start attacking the brain, causing rapid-onset memory loss and cognitive deficits. What triggers this sudden biological civil war was largely unknown. Now, researchers have found that some tumors can release a protein that looks like a virus, kickstarting an out-of-control immune reaction that may damage brain cells.

Birth Defects Pregnancy and Childbirth

Maternal pulse recording during childbirth prevents encephalopathy in newborn babies      (via     Original source 

External heart rate monitoring, the most common method of monitoring the fetus, may leave signs of fetal hypoxia undetected if the maternal pulse rate is not simultaneously monitored. The risk is that the fetal heart rate is masked by the maternal pulse, with fetal distress going unnoticed.

Birth Defects Children's Health Infant's Health Today's Healthcare

Rare disorder causing extra fingers and toes identified      (via     Original source 

A rare disorder which causes babies to be born with extra fingers and toes and a range of birth defects has been identified in new research. The disorder, which has not yet been named, is caused by a genetic mutation in a gene called MAX. As well as extra digits -- polydactyly -- it leads to a range of symptoms relating to ongoing brain growth, such as autism. The research marks the first time this genetic link has been identified.

Birth Defects Gynecology Infant's Health Pregnancy and Childbirth

Provides new explanation for why placenta may not properly separate at birth, putting mother and newborn at risk      (via     Original source 

A new study may change the way clinicians and scientists understand, diagnose and treat placenta accreta spectrum disorder, a serious condition in which the placenta fails to separate from the uterus at birth, jeopardizing the life and health of both mother and baby.

Birth Defects Chronic Illness Infant's Health Pregnancy and Childbirth

Gene behind heart defects in Down syndrome identified      (via     Original source 

Researchers have identified a gene that causes heart defects in Down syndrome, a condition that results from an additional copy of chromosome 21. Reducing the overactivity of this gene partially reversed these defects in mice, setting the scene for potential future therapies for heart conditions in people with Down syndrome.

Birth Defects Infant's Health Pregnancy and Childbirth

Ultrasounds can help predict the risk of preterm births      (via     Original source 

Researchers have developed a way to use ultrasound to predict whether a pregnant person is at risk of delivering a baby prematurely, which occurs in upward of 10% of pregnancies in the U.S.

Birth Defects Diet and Weight Loss Infant's Health Pregnancy and Childbirth

Exposure to flame retardants linked to premature birth, higher birth weight      (via     Original source 

Exposure to organophosphate ester flame retardants during pregnancy is linked to premature births and greater fetal growth, according to a new study.

Birth Defects Chronic Illness Today's Healthcare

A neurological disease paradigm shift      (via     Original source 

Scientists argue that Parkinson's disease complexity demands a new way of classifying the disease for research purposes, one based not on clinical diagnosis but biology. The authors have called their biological model 'SynNeurGe'.

Birth Defects

Researchers uncover news clues about the cause of common birth defects      (via     Original source 

A recent study has uncovered new information about orofacial development in mice that researchers believe could one day help reduce the risk of certain birth defects in humans.

Birth Defects Chronic Illness Today's Healthcare

SARS-CoV-2 can infect dopamine neurons causing senescence      (via     Original source 

A new study reported that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID, can infect dopamine neurons in the brain and trigger senescence -- when a cell loses the ability to grow and divide. The researchers suggest that further research on this finding may shed light on the neurological symptoms associated with long COVID such as brain fog, lethargy and depression.

Birth Defects Chronic Illness Infant's Health Pregnancy and Childbirth

Single-cell atlas of the placenta during term labor      (via     Original source 

An atlas revealing the activity of individual placental cells during childbirth offers insight on what happens at the maternal-fetal interface during term labor, according to a new study.

Birth Defects Healthy Aging

Could a drug prevent hearing loss from loud music and aging?      (via     Original source 

A person's hearing can be damaged by loud noise, aging and even certain medications, with little recourse beyond a hearing aid or cochlear implant.

Birth Defects Infant's Health Pregnancy and Childbirth

Climate change could be impacting babies' birthweight for gestational age      (via     Original source 

Climate change could pose a big risk to Australians' reproductive health with a new, large-scale study revealing a possible link between extreme bioclimatic exposure during pregnancy and babies' birthweights for gestational age. Researchers examined more than 385,000 pregnancies in Western Australia between 2000 and 2015, from 12 weeks prior to conception until birth.

Birth Defects Infant's Health Pregnancy and Childbirth

A blood test can identify genetic diseases in fetuses      (via     Original source 

A research team has developed an innovative screening test. With a blood sample from the expectant mother, they can scrutinize all the genes in the fetus. The findings indicate that the new test, named desNIPT, has demonstrated effectiveness in identifying alterations in fetal genes -- a leading factor in severe congenital diseases.

Eating Disorder Research Eating Disorders

Study reveals new genetic link between anorexia nervosa and being an early riser      (via     Original source 

New research indicates that the eating disorder anorexia nervosa is associated with being an early riser, unlike many other disorders that tend to be evening-based such as depression, binge eating disorder and schizophrenia.

Birth Defects Child Development Children's Health Healthy Aging Infant and Preschool Learning Infant's Health Parenting

Enlarged spaces in infant brains linked to higher risk of autism, sleep problems      (via     Original source 

Researchers have found that enlarged perivascular spaces in the brains of babies, caused by an accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid, have a 2.2 times greater chance of developing autism later in life.

Birth Defects Child Development Children's Health Infant's Health Psychology Research

Integrating research and clinical care to uncover secrets of brain development      (via     Original source 

A subset of neurons related to memory and neuroplasticity continue to migrate into the brain through toddlerhood.

Birth Defects

Protein-protein interaction discovery unveils Down syndrome's molecular mechanism potential      (via     Original source 

Down syndrome, a congenital disorder stemming from abnormal cell division and differentiation, is most common in newborns fated to neurodevelopmental delays and other health complications. The genetic defect causes the dysfunction of the protein kinase DYRK1A, which is encoded on chromosome 21 and is deeply associated with both Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. DYRK1A has attracted attention as a target molecule for treating various diseases. Researchers have now identified the FAM53C protein and its DYRK1A-inhibiting effect that keeps the protein kinase inactive inside the cytoplasm.